In some ways, this quote sums up our love and our relationship thus far. Our story started through friendship; it may sound cliché, but this was really the case with us! We met in 2016 through a mutual friend who will also be standing by us on our special day. It was meant to be just a friendship at that time, which, now looking back, was a great way to start our journey because it allowed us time to get to know each other without the pressure of dating.
You go through things in life that make you wonder why your road had to be so challenging at times. However, we chose to look at the trials we have faced as opportunities to grow. As life gets busy, it’s not always possible to keep in touch with everyone. However, what started off as an initial greeting turned into a companionship at a time we both didn’t know we needed each other the most. Initially, it started off as two friends supporting each other through trying times. Soon after, that care and compassion began to turn into something stronger and we decided to visit that initial feeling we both knew was present when we first met.
We began our journey officially in September 2020 and by February 2022, we were engaged. Life has its struggles, and nothing is guaranteed, but one thing we are committed to is our story and our journey. These past three years of dating, falling in love, building our family, and growing together has allowed us to believe that we are capable of handling the struggles that come with this journey called life as long as we have each other.
We look forward to having you all be a part of our union. We have carefully chosen who we want to attend as it is important to us to have the love and support from our family and friends, not just on our big day, but throughout our future as well!